Sunday, November 22, 2009

Do You Really Want To Be successful ?

Reading about SUCCESS! and actually having it are very different issues. You can read about it your entire life, but you won’t have it until you make a move to achieve it. It’s not something that comes easily either. You will make mistakes along the way towards building a successful life and this should be expected. Just like riding a horse or a bike, you’ll fall and scrape your knees a few times, but then you have to get back up there and go for it. Kick your Excuses Goodbye!

Just get on the saddle and do it One fine day, you’re going to have to do it. Watching and reading about it alone won’t do any good at all if you want to have success in life.The real deal is that you’re going to have to get on the saddle and start to paddle.    

Success!is a mindset. Therefore, it’s not completely possible for any one to build a successful life without having to do something about it. So, go on and start doing whatever it is that you want to succeed in.

Do the right things and success will come almost too-naturally to you.

Experience builds confidence to succeed

Money and gold won’t buy you success. They don’t come in a nice packaging off the shelves. Pharmacies don’t carry them. And physicians can’t hand you ‘success pills’ in a bottle marked ‘take three times a day’. The only person who can give you or prescribe you success is yourself.

The reason why I say ‘get on with it and do it’ is because I want you to have experience. You see, the more times you do something (it doesn’t matter whether you fail more times at it than you succeed), the better you get at it (slowly but surely). The better you get at it, the more confidence you will have.

It’s impossible to see it right now but you have indeed improved. You’ve made progress, you can’t see it, but you are! And the more experience you have, the more successful you will become.

How successful you want to become depends on yourself. You’re steering the boat so, you decide when you’re successful enough. But ultimately, like they always say. practice makes perfect .

Enjoy your moments.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

What is the truth about success ?

What is success ?

Success have been defined by several great people in diffrent ways,but to me I see success as the progressive achievement of the ultimate purpose of an individual in life. It does not come cheap ,nor does it come by chance.You need to deliberately desire and plan for it.
Many today are just going around parading the shadows of success not the really thing.To be successful in growing personally,you need the following seven key strategies;

1. S-et passionate, productive and profittable daily goals to promote  your major life purpose .

2. U-se your  T.A.G.S. (talent,abilities ,gift and skills )to help others succeed.

3. C-ount the cost of working out your life giving purpose.

4. C-ommit yourself to work with others in line with your life purpose.

5. E-mpower yourself through seminars,tapes,workshop,books,magazines etc

6. S-tart your long term goal with what you have,where you are and with those around you.

7. S-how as many people as possible how you succeed.

So what is your own opinion about success ? Kindly leave your comment ,let learn together.

Enjoy your moments.