Friday, April 23, 2010

5 Guranteed Little Known Principles to Make Progress In Your Business Consistently

The life cycle of all failure proof business is determine by the application of simple practical principles. Many business are falling and crumbling today due to small negligence here and there.Statistics have shown that hundreds of businesses have folded up over the last few months.This why there is great need for you to discover ways to protect your business and make progress.

During my study of great businesses ,to see why they are able to survive the strong wind of global reccession that have pull down and wreck many companies. I discover five major secrets to have a failure proof business .I am sure they will help to turn around the status of your business from this moment.

To grow a failure proof business, do the following:

1.Be a finisher;

Be someone who has a reputation for finishing anything you start. Be a result oriented person. Don’t be in business just for participation. You are in business to win. Please understand that to a large extent, this business is going to take its character from you. All of the virtue you displayed will be modeled throughout your organization. If you are somebody who is prone to giving excuses for failure, know that that is what everybody else will do in your company. If you will be a finisher, it is important that you don’t look for someone to blame whenever you have any challenge. As a leader it is easy to find someone to blame. Once that becomes your style, it will become the modus operandi for the whole organization.

2.Perform at a high level of excellence:

If you will be a skillful person, you have to set high standards for yourself. Be someone who does not accept mediocrity. Don’t settle for less. Be someone who wants to get the best all times. For some people average is okay but as entrepreneur I am sure you know you have competition. If your business will stay alive you have to be ahead. And for you to be ahead, excellence is one of the major qualities that you have to develop. Cultivate excellence. Be someone who does not go for the organization’s average goals. You cannot be a leader that way. Set personal goals that are higher than the organization’s goals. A lot of people who work with businessmen and women don’t understand what their motivation is. They wonder why they work as hard as they do. Everybody wants to run away from work by 5 p.m. In fact most start winding down from 3:30 p.m. They wonder why their boss stays on till late. There is a price to be paid for a successful business and the boss has made up his or her mind to pay the price. Never become satisfied with the status quo, always strive for better services.

3.Never stop learning :

Most people stop learning when they write their final examination in school but that is actually when you start learning. Understand that the day the people following you catch up with you in knowledge, you have lost your leadership position. What makes you a leader is what you know that others don’t know. Therefore, never stop learning. Every challenge you come across reveals a part of you that needs wisdom. There is nobody who knows everything. The moment you come across something that is not working which is limiting progress, it just points your attention to another area where you still have to acquire new knowledge. The more you know the more you know you don’t know. All you know is all you have learned; and all you know is not all there is to know. Continuous self improvement is a major requirement; you have to keep on developing yourself.

4.Go the extra mile. Don’t be an average person. Be someone who does a little extra than everybody else. If you will increase your level of competence go the extra mile.

5.Pay attention to your work. We live in a society that is strong in social interaction. The world over, it is already known that in Africa we value friendship over business. When you leave your shop and spend the whole day talking in your neighbor’s shop, you have achieved absolutely nothing. If after a while your business is not making any progress there is no need blaming the Nigerian economy or any other external factor. Your business won’t grow in your absence. When you leave your job and you spend so much time moving about interacting with other people, realize that nobody will assess you based on your friend’s productivity. It is absolutely important that you give full attention to your work. Invest your time and energy in your business. If it is social engagements that will not allow you to give attention to your business, limit them. Sometimes, let your money go there to represent you because your most valuable resources is you time

Finally you must develop the ability, as an entrepreneur, to say it, plan it, and do it. Be the one person in that business that says it, plans it, and does it.

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