Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is Information Marketing?

This may sound foreign to most people, but simply put ...Information marketing is the marketing of information. I know you were probably expecting some long drawn out definition, but really it's not that complicated. There are numerous products to consider when discussing the Information Industry that many people may not know about or maybe even forgotten like audio programs, videos or DVD's made available through a catalog or online, traditional books, newsletters, magazines, membership sites, home-study courses, E-books, webinars, tele-seminars, tele-coaching, seminars and conferences in some form or another. As you can see from the large list above, information marketing covers a lot arenas.
You may be like me, and prefer to have something tangible ( hand) when learning new information or you may prefer to view this information via the Internet or attend seminars. Really, the possibilities with information marketing are endless because everyone has their own preference, and therefore your audience/target market will vary depending on the medium you decide to choose to get your information distributed. Let's discuss a few different methods of Information Marketing:

1.Newsletter. You can choose to deliver your content to subscribers on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. You don't want to make the dreaded mistake of sending a boring newsletter to your prospects so please, and I say again, please take careful consideration when putting together content. Make sure that the content is something that your prospects will actually use in their lives and at the very least will find interesting. If you can't do that, then you might as well not waste your time, nor theirs for that matter, with dull, boring, unwanted information.

2. Audio Files/MP3s & Video. Audio Video Marketing is being used to deliver content to customers & prospects quite a bit these days. As people become more savvy with Internet use they are also becoming more comfortable with using the Internet as their information portal. Audio Video Marketing allows you to capture the attention of customers and prospects by providing them information in a way that is interesting.

3. E-books. An E-book is an electronic book that is used to sell information. Majority of the time it is delivered to you via a PDF file (Adobe PDF). To view the E-book you would download it, and read it on your computer or print it for portability.

4. Membership Sites. Membership sites provide members access to information that is password protected. People either pay a one-time fee, that allows them to receive lifetime access. Or, they pay a fee on a monthly basis. Typically, valuable information like articles, E-books, software, an even advice is often what is provided so that exclusivity can be marketed.
There are tons of different mediums to Information Marketing and I only discussed a few. The possible topics are countless. People are buying information on any imaginable topic, from how to achieve better sex, to how to take care of a dog, to how to invest in Real Estate, to how to run a business, to how to make money online. The potential is unlimited for anyone with the thought of marketing information. I believe that everyone has something that they are proficient in, and would provide great insight to the next person if they would just be willing to share their knowledge.

If Information Marketing is something that you would like to do, then I highly suggest you identify a market (make sure you do your research), get your information products and services together to fit/fulfill that market, and figure out how you will sell and deliver the information. It won't get any simpler than that. If you can think of it I am sure that someone has packaged and sold information about it already, you just make sure you aim to do it better! When it boils down to it... there is always going to be a market for Information Marketing! Knowledge is Power!

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