Saturday, May 15, 2010

How to Make Money Writing and Selling e-Books

Writing and selling e-Books are a great way to generate passive income and establish yourself as an expert in your field. You may be thinking that you can't write an e-Book for one reason or another or that the process of writing and selling is just too overwhelming. While it's true it is a big undertaking, it is not impossible.
Many successful infopreneurs generate a great deal of passive income selling information online. The most obvious advantage of being an infopreneur is the low overhead and high earning potential. Once you've written an e-Book, tele-seminar, e-course or other information product, it can be sold over and over again. It is even better than selling a traditional book because you do not have to print anything and you don't have to jump through publisher hoops. The costs to produce a piece of information are the same whether you are selling to one person or to millions.
To make it manageable, break the process into steps. The writing portion can be broken down as follows: choosing your topic; doing the research; writing the content; editing and proofreading; finishing touches; and finally publishing preferences. When you're thinking about choosing your topic, think about things you're very familiar with, passionate about or experienced with. Make sure your research is current and credible. A visit to your local library can help you verify facts and check statements. Editing and proofreading are critical. It's difficult to develop any form of credibility if your content is littered with typographic errors. Once you've finished your book, explore different self-publishing options. An Internet search will reveal a myriad of choices.
After you've chosen your method of publication and you're getting ready to sell, some of the things you'll need to consider include: copyright, acknowledgements, bios, a cover, how the book is formatted, testimonials, bonuses you'll offer, sales copy, payment processors, autoresponders, domain names, hosting, affiliate programs, audio messages and a Web site. Include a copyright statement as well as a statement about transferring e-Books - basically that it's not allowed. Also include your acknowledgements. Thank everyone who helped you to write your book or gave you the required space and time to do it. It's important to acknowledge family and friends especially when they provide much needed support and encouragement. You'll need to include a bio and decide on a cover. Gather testimonials from people you respect who are prominent in the field you've written in. Create some bonuses to include with your e-Book. These can be checklists or coupons or special reports. Finally, create the sales copy for your Web site and set up your affiliate programs.
You're almost ready to go. Next, you'll need to create a marketing plan to promote your e-Book. Include such things as: signature lines, business cards, a blog, newsletters, article writing, product or service give-a-ways, press releases, affiliate contests, free classifieds, tele-classes, free samples, pay-per-click advertising, product or service donations, and e-Bay. You'll also want to address how you plan to keep in contact with your customers after they've purchased your product or service. Take every opportunity you can to promote your e-Book. The more exposure you gain, the higher you'll rank in the search engines.
The Internet has changed the way people look for and acquire information. For many the Internet is an overwhelming network of unimaginable volumes of information difficult to navigate and lacking in credibility. Infopreneurs wade through the myriad of information available on the Internet weeding out erroneous or outdated information and consolidating and presenting current accurate information in easily accessible and understandable forms.
Laurie Dart, owner of Writing Wisely, author of The Everyday Guide to Writing Wisely and co-author of The Everyday Guide to Writing and Marketing Your e-Book Wisely provides writing and editing services to entrepreneurs and small business owners. To learn how to write your own e-Book, visit:

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