Saturday, May 15, 2010

How to Make Money Writing and Selling e-Books

Writing and selling e-Books are a great way to generate passive income and establish yourself as an expert in your field. You may be thinking that you can't write an e-Book for one reason or another or that the process of writing and selling is just too overwhelming. While it's true it is a big undertaking, it is not impossible.
Many successful infopreneurs generate a great deal of passive income selling information online. The most obvious advantage of being an infopreneur is the low overhead and high earning potential. Once you've written an e-Book, tele-seminar, e-course or other information product, it can be sold over and over again. It is even better than selling a traditional book because you do not have to print anything and you don't have to jump through publisher hoops. The costs to produce a piece of information are the same whether you are selling to one person or to millions.
To make it manageable, break the process into steps. The writing portion can be broken down as follows: choosing your topic; doing the research; writing the content; editing and proofreading; finishing touches; and finally publishing preferences. When you're thinking about choosing your topic, think about things you're very familiar with, passionate about or experienced with. Make sure your research is current and credible. A visit to your local library can help you verify facts and check statements. Editing and proofreading are critical. It's difficult to develop any form of credibility if your content is littered with typographic errors. Once you've finished your book, explore different self-publishing options. An Internet search will reveal a myriad of choices.
After you've chosen your method of publication and you're getting ready to sell, some of the things you'll need to consider include: copyright, acknowledgements, bios, a cover, how the book is formatted, testimonials, bonuses you'll offer, sales copy, payment processors, autoresponders, domain names, hosting, affiliate programs, audio messages and a Web site. Include a copyright statement as well as a statement about transferring e-Books - basically that it's not allowed. Also include your acknowledgements. Thank everyone who helped you to write your book or gave you the required space and time to do it. It's important to acknowledge family and friends especially when they provide much needed support and encouragement. You'll need to include a bio and decide on a cover. Gather testimonials from people you respect who are prominent in the field you've written in. Create some bonuses to include with your e-Book. These can be checklists or coupons or special reports. Finally, create the sales copy for your Web site and set up your affiliate programs.
You're almost ready to go. Next, you'll need to create a marketing plan to promote your e-Book. Include such things as: signature lines, business cards, a blog, newsletters, article writing, product or service give-a-ways, press releases, affiliate contests, free classifieds, tele-classes, free samples, pay-per-click advertising, product or service donations, and e-Bay. You'll also want to address how you plan to keep in contact with your customers after they've purchased your product or service. Take every opportunity you can to promote your e-Book. The more exposure you gain, the higher you'll rank in the search engines.
The Internet has changed the way people look for and acquire information. For many the Internet is an overwhelming network of unimaginable volumes of information difficult to navigate and lacking in credibility. Infopreneurs wade through the myriad of information available on the Internet weeding out erroneous or outdated information and consolidating and presenting current accurate information in easily accessible and understandable forms.
Laurie Dart, owner of Writing Wisely, author of The Everyday Guide to Writing Wisely and co-author of The Everyday Guide to Writing and Marketing Your e-Book Wisely provides writing and editing services to entrepreneurs and small business owners. To learn how to write your own e-Book, visit:

How to Write and Publish a Book Using The Internet For Leverage

When you list your book on your website, you are showing visitors right then and there that you are the expert! And it's easy to link your book directly to Amazon, (even more credibility). All your visitor needs to do is click on your book and they are taken directly to Amazon to make a purchase.
If you do not have a website, you will want to get one. It is very easy to direct people to your website for a purchase and if you decide to add more products to your funnel: workbooks, audio books, speaking engagements, consulting, etc, then you will definitely want a single source of information for your potential customers!
The internet is a veritable feast of book marketing tools to which there really is no end. Here are five of the most effective tools available to you today:

  • Website. If you already have a website that people visit, and you have written on a topic that is relevant to your career/products/or services, you can add a bookstore page to your website.

  • Press release. Press releases are a very inexpensive way to get the word out about your book. You can send your release to media contacts and post it on the web. This makes it available to resources all over the world to reprint. My favorite is and it offers helpful information on writing a press release that will get your book the attention that you want.

  • Blogs. Blogs are an author's friend! Posting on blogs, your own and on other relevant blogs, is a great way to promote your book. You are hitting a very targeted market when you blog and you are reaching potentially thousands of customers that will be interested in what you have to say.

  • Additionally, forums, newsgroups, and chat rooms are excellent book promotion tools. Find relevant groups, register using your website link and book's title in your signature, and visit them to connect with your audience. The most important thing you can do on Amazon is create an effective listing. For this you will need a detailed description of your book. This should be very well written, take a look at your sales letter and the copy on the back of your book for guidance. What will your reader gain by reading your book? What are the specific benefits they'll receive? Use this formula:
    You will discover:
    List the benefits of your book here:
  • Close the sale with a call for action.

  • For example, "This book has made it possible for millions of people to self publish and achieve their personal and financial goals and it will show you the way too!"
    You will also want your bio as the author. This will include any information about you that will help to establish your credibility on the subject and an expert in your field. Your book's listing will also include your front and back cover. You can add more images from the inside of your book if you think they are good selling points, and I highly recommend that you add your table of contents. You can also add a sample chapter, excerpts, and even a message from the author. All of these listing elements will help your book sell.

  • Categorize your book correctly.

  • Many people search Amazon with a specific subject in mind. Make sure that you categorize your book correctly and that you create a listing that describes your book accurately using search keywords, your name, and even your book's title. People will browse Amazon in a variety of ways, by your name, by your book's title, and by your subject matter. Make sure all of these are addressed in your listing. Article marketing. Articles that are made available on free websites are an amazing way to drive traffic to your website. Posted articles are read by visitors, who then click to your website for more information. The articles are posted on blogs, which leads to increased website traffic. The articles are also reprinted in newsletters and on other websites, which provides traffic. It also provides links to your site, which in turn can increase your website ranking with the search engines.
    Get online and promote your book using these tools today - you will be glad that you did.
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    How To Make A 6 Figure Income Writing & Publishing Your Own Book

    Go To: How To Write A Book
    Bob Burnham
    Entrepreneur, Consultant and Best Selling Author of: '101 Reasons Why You Must Write A Book'
    For Information on How to Write and Publish your own book go to Expert Author :
    Read More On: How To Write and Publish A Book

    Multiple Streams of Writing Income Part 1 - Creating A Strategy For Your Writing

    Creating a strategic plan for your writing is a creative process. As a result, the first thing I want you to do is keep in mind that nothing turns out as you expect it to in the creative process. Creating a strategic plan for your writing is just as important and uses the same creative energy as your actual writing. That's the fun and exciting part... if you let that process be free.

    So, my first piece of advice is to let go of expectations of how you are going to get to your goals. When you do that, you will see more possibilities of how to accomplish them. When you get locked into one view, you might miss the easier or more direct way.

    Know that this plan can change, morph, and grow. You will refine it, add to it, remove items, and expand items. Nothing is written in stone. And remember, always have fun as you create!

    In the next article, I will be discussing how to create a vision for your writing. You might be wondering why I would put so much emphasis on a vision. I can tell you from my own, as well my clients' experience, one of the biggest mistakes you can make in starting a business/project/book, etc. of any kind is to begin without a vision. Without having a specific picture in mind, when you run into obstacles, when there are mistakes made, when you are tired and don't feel like you have energy to continue, your vision will keep you on target, motivated, and determined.

    A number of years ago, I decided to start a restaurant. I didn't have any idea how to go about that; I just had a clear picture of what it would look like and what it would be for my customers and me. When I became crystal clear in my mind with that picture, I was able to sit down and create a strategy to accomplish it. As I did that, opportunities, information, and ideas started appearing with almost no effort. When obstacles arose, I was determined to find a way to overcome them. When difficulties appeared, I kept the vision in my thoughts, and always found a solution. Within a few months I had raised capital, leased a space, contacted vendors, started construction, and began hiring staff. Less than a year later the restaurant opened. I know that if I hadn't had a clear, compelling picture of what I wanted to create, the restaurant would still be a dream, not a reality.

    If you have already created a vision for your business or life, that's fabulous. This discussion will reinforce that vision, and in some cases, help you refine and refurbish what you already have worked on. It's always a good thing to update and polish that vision and keep it fresh. What I'm about to help you with is creating a vision for your writing.

    The process I will guide you through in the next few articles is very effective for any part of your life, whether it's a business, a project, or your own higher purpose. I encourage you to use it for anything that would be enhanced by creating a strategic plan based on a clear, compelling vision.

    Need help creating powerful information products and marketing strategies? To obtain a complimentary copy of her Multiple Streams of Writing Income e-book, or for more information about author, publisher, and Information Products coach Marilyn Schwader, her teleclasses, e-books, and other resources, visit

    Article Source:

    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    Information Business Online - How to Start an Honest Based Internet Business Opportunity

    When it comes to realistic and honest internet business opportunity, then there are few places better to start than the information business and marketing it online.

    Right now, we're smack, bang in the middle of the information age. It's all around us and people are hungry for it. It's not coincidence that it's already a huge business, one that's proven itself to be a 'hot place' to be and already a multi-trillion dollar industry. And it's sticking around to play.

    As you read people are searching for the answers to their problems and they're using the internet. To put a long story, short, if you can provide these people with a solution to their problem, if you can answer their questions or provide them with accurate advice on how to do things right in their area of interest, then the chances of people paying you for that information is very high indeed.

    And there's more. If you can put the information, the solution to their problems into a resource that's easy to follow, easy to digest and automatically sent to them when they buy online, then you can be making money 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. And that's where the the phrase "Making money while you sleep" comes from! Some prefer to call it a "Passive income".

    With recent advance in technology, with the introduction of the internet and broadband to millions of households and lots of easy to use software already on offer, there's a ton of ways you can quickly and easily deliver information to your customers. It might be an ebook, short reports they download online, audio recordings and interviews or maybe a video of your computer screen as you take them through something. Once you can communicate and deliver your product to your customers, they can appreciate, devour and put it to use.

    All it takes is one information product and from that you can already be making more than enough money to earn a full time income on the internet. You can start building a business that will put you on a path to achieve financial freedom, spend your time doing the things you love and realize your dreams.
    Building an information business online is easy with the right help and right guidance. All you need is a quick glimpse behind the scenes to see what's involved and how you can get started.

    Start your journey and find out how you can start strong in the information business only right now when you click HERE.

    What is Information Marketing?

    This may sound foreign to most people, but simply put ...Information marketing is the marketing of information. I know you were probably expecting some long drawn out definition, but really it's not that complicated. There are numerous products to consider when discussing the Information Industry that many people may not know about or maybe even forgotten like audio programs, videos or DVD's made available through a catalog or online, traditional books, newsletters, magazines, membership sites, home-study courses, E-books, webinars, tele-seminars, tele-coaching, seminars and conferences in some form or another. As you can see from the large list above, information marketing covers a lot arenas.
    You may be like me, and prefer to have something tangible ( hand) when learning new information or you may prefer to view this information via the Internet or attend seminars. Really, the possibilities with information marketing are endless because everyone has their own preference, and therefore your audience/target market will vary depending on the medium you decide to choose to get your information distributed. Let's discuss a few different methods of Information Marketing:

    1.Newsletter. You can choose to deliver your content to subscribers on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. You don't want to make the dreaded mistake of sending a boring newsletter to your prospects so please, and I say again, please take careful consideration when putting together content. Make sure that the content is something that your prospects will actually use in their lives and at the very least will find interesting. If you can't do that, then you might as well not waste your time, nor theirs for that matter, with dull, boring, unwanted information.

    2. Audio Files/MP3s & Video. Audio Video Marketing is being used to deliver content to customers & prospects quite a bit these days. As people become more savvy with Internet use they are also becoming more comfortable with using the Internet as their information portal. Audio Video Marketing allows you to capture the attention of customers and prospects by providing them information in a way that is interesting.

    3. E-books. An E-book is an electronic book that is used to sell information. Majority of the time it is delivered to you via a PDF file (Adobe PDF). To view the E-book you would download it, and read it on your computer or print it for portability.

    4. Membership Sites. Membership sites provide members access to information that is password protected. People either pay a one-time fee, that allows them to receive lifetime access. Or, they pay a fee on a monthly basis. Typically, valuable information like articles, E-books, software, an even advice is often what is provided so that exclusivity can be marketed.
    There are tons of different mediums to Information Marketing and I only discussed a few. The possible topics are countless. People are buying information on any imaginable topic, from how to achieve better sex, to how to take care of a dog, to how to invest in Real Estate, to how to run a business, to how to make money online. The potential is unlimited for anyone with the thought of marketing information. I believe that everyone has something that they are proficient in, and would provide great insight to the next person if they would just be willing to share their knowledge.

    If Information Marketing is something that you would like to do, then I highly suggest you identify a market (make sure you do your research), get your information products and services together to fit/fulfill that market, and figure out how you will sell and deliver the information. It won't get any simpler than that. If you can think of it I am sure that someone has packaged and sold information about it already, you just make sure you aim to do it better! When it boils down to it... there is always going to be a market for Information Marketing! Knowledge is Power!

    If you found this article helpful, leave me a comment or visit my sites at or

    Friday, April 23, 2010

    5 Guranteed Little Known Principles to Make Progress In Your Business Consistently

    The life cycle of all failure proof business is determine by the application of simple practical principles. Many business are falling and crumbling today due to small negligence here and there.Statistics have shown that hundreds of businesses have folded up over the last few months.This why there is great need for you to discover ways to protect your business and make progress.

    During my study of great businesses ,to see why they are able to survive the strong wind of global reccession that have pull down and wreck many companies. I discover five major secrets to have a failure proof business .I am sure they will help to turn around the status of your business from this moment.

    To grow a failure proof business, do the following:

    1.Be a finisher;

    Be someone who has a reputation for finishing anything you start. Be a result oriented person. Don’t be in business just for participation. You are in business to win. Please understand that to a large extent, this business is going to take its character from you. All of the virtue you displayed will be modeled throughout your organization. If you are somebody who is prone to giving excuses for failure, know that that is what everybody else will do in your company. If you will be a finisher, it is important that you don’t look for someone to blame whenever you have any challenge. As a leader it is easy to find someone to blame. Once that becomes your style, it will become the modus operandi for the whole organization.

    2.Perform at a high level of excellence:

    If you will be a skillful person, you have to set high standards for yourself. Be someone who does not accept mediocrity. Don’t settle for less. Be someone who wants to get the best all times. For some people average is okay but as entrepreneur I am sure you know you have competition. If your business will stay alive you have to be ahead. And for you to be ahead, excellence is one of the major qualities that you have to develop. Cultivate excellence. Be someone who does not go for the organization’s average goals. You cannot be a leader that way. Set personal goals that are higher than the organization’s goals. A lot of people who work with businessmen and women don’t understand what their motivation is. They wonder why they work as hard as they do. Everybody wants to run away from work by 5 p.m. In fact most start winding down from 3:30 p.m. They wonder why their boss stays on till late. There is a price to be paid for a successful business and the boss has made up his or her mind to pay the price. Never become satisfied with the status quo, always strive for better services.

    3.Never stop learning :

    Most people stop learning when they write their final examination in school but that is actually when you start learning. Understand that the day the people following you catch up with you in knowledge, you have lost your leadership position. What makes you a leader is what you know that others don’t know. Therefore, never stop learning. Every challenge you come across reveals a part of you that needs wisdom. There is nobody who knows everything. The moment you come across something that is not working which is limiting progress, it just points your attention to another area where you still have to acquire new knowledge. The more you know the more you know you don’t know. All you know is all you have learned; and all you know is not all there is to know. Continuous self improvement is a major requirement; you have to keep on developing yourself.

    4.Go the extra mile. Don’t be an average person. Be someone who does a little extra than everybody else. If you will increase your level of competence go the extra mile.

    5.Pay attention to your work. We live in a society that is strong in social interaction. The world over, it is already known that in Africa we value friendship over business. When you leave your shop and spend the whole day talking in your neighbor’s shop, you have achieved absolutely nothing. If after a while your business is not making any progress there is no need blaming the Nigerian economy or any other external factor. Your business won’t grow in your absence. When you leave your job and you spend so much time moving about interacting with other people, realize that nobody will assess you based on your friend’s productivity. It is absolutely important that you give full attention to your work. Invest your time and energy in your business. If it is social engagements that will not allow you to give attention to your business, limit them. Sometimes, let your money go there to represent you because your most valuable resources is you time

    Finally you must develop the ability, as an entrepreneur, to say it, plan it, and do it. Be the one person in that business that says it, plans it, and does it.

    How to Improve your Living And Start Making Progress Consistently

    Its seems like everyone is searching for secrets to health, wealth and happiness. The catch is if you understand yourself, then you would have the knowledge to be both successful in your personal relationships and in business relationships.  Like everything, this starts with a goal.  Whether you are looking to improve your relationship with your spouse or family member, or move up the corporate ladder, this is all a result of personal growth. Personal growth starts with doing your best at every moment, in your job, home, or day to day activities. Setting goals, no matter how small enables you to soar to new heights and give you the confidence to achieve more. 

    Understanding what is important

    Many times, people stay hung up on other peoples expectations on what it is to be successful.  Each of us has a different idea of what makes us content.  It is important to acknowledge that if we spend most of our time and effort trying to reach someone else’s goals, then we find ourselves constantly searching for meaning and continue to be unhappy.  Realizing what is important is the first step to improving your personal life. 


    Balance is the key to success.  Some people do not see the concept of success beyond their own needs.  Often times we are caught up in serving a dominant function, which overshadows our natural strengths.  This results in stress and imbalance in ones life. Learning to do things for yourself and your own needs are vital to improving your personal life. If you are always doing for others, and seldom take time out for you, then you are building stress rather than improving life. Your happiness should come first. Finding it hard to say no to others becomes common and we find ourselves so inundated by the needs of other people. Learn to have an even balance in your life with everything you do and focus on what you want is another way to improve your personal life.   

    Self Esteem

    Putting yourself down constantly, finding it hard to accept compliments and wishing you are someone else are easy examples that you may be sabotaging your own life.  Encourage positive self talk with yourself and to others, do not speak negative about yourself and others are vital to great self esteem. Understanding that no matter what, you are ok. Improving your self-confidence is extremely important when improving your personal life. This will take putting your positive beliefs in the front of your mind, and day by day taking away the negative thoughts. Believing in you is another key to success.

    If you feel like your on the road to stress and anxiety, and want more out of life, slow down and take a step back to evaluate what is important. Remember that other peoples goals are not always our own, learn to balance your everyday and lifestyle decisions, and most importantly, think positive. 

    Surround yourself around encouraging, not discouraging people. If you just make small steps to do these things, you will already be improving your personal life without realizing it. The key to success is moving forward. You will need to learn steps to move ahead and stop looking back. Of course, history is important, yet you want to avoid dwelling on past mistakes. Your mistakes are learning tools. Use them, learn from the mistakes, and move ahead.

    When you surround your self with positive influences, it helps you to gain the power of processing your life. You have control over conversation and your community. Take back your control and you will improve your overall personal life.